Authors |
Ashanin Vasiliy Nikolaevich, Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor, head of the sub-department of electric power and electrical engineering, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Mel'nikov Anatoliy Arkad'evich, Leading engineer, sub-department of electric power and electrical engineering, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Larkin Sergey Evgen'evich, Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor, sub-department of electric power and electrical engineering, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Aravin Nikita Andreevich, Student, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. The object of development is a laboratory research system for analyzing the influence of the spectrum and the level of light radiation on greenhouse plants in various phases of their development. Existing lighting systems for indoor rooms are most often implemented on sodium gas discharge lamps with an unregulated spectrum of emitted light and the level of illumination. The aim of the work is to improve the energy efficiency of the lighting system and ensure the adjustment of the spectral component of the fixtures for different phases of plant development.
Materials and methods. In order to increase the energy efficiency of the indoor lighting system, the level and spectrum of natural (solar) illumination are measured, and the artificial light source increases the level of illumination and radiation spectrum to the required values.
Results. The practical implementation of the light sources is based on RGB LEDs. The required value of the spectrum of optical radiation is set by the microprocessor software, and the illumination level is controlled by PWM modulation of the voltage of the power source. The system allows you to experimentally study the effect of light intensity and the spectrum of the optical radiation source on the development of agricultural plants in closed ground and determine the best indicators in each phase of their development.
Conclusions. The developed system allows us to experimentally determine the optimal values of illumination and light spectrum for growth and development of plants in indoor areas.
Key words |
lighting control automation, light intensity and spectral sensor, microprocessor, RGB LED, light lux spectral characteristics, energy efficiency
References |
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